No matter how much you love your cat or dog, it's really no fun to return home from work and be hit by the smell of your pet as soon as you walk in the door.One self evident answer is to keep your cat or dog outside all the time and not permit them in the house.But when you're in any way like me, you would for no reason banish your dog to a life of outdoor living.For that reason in the next few paragraphs we will begin to show you how you can reduce and possibly even eliminate the pet odors in your house.

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If you're a cat lover, you know how awful it is to walk into your house and get a whiff of the litter box.If you replace the cat litter once or twice a week, you can significantly decrease the smell.Even if you use cat litter that's combined with baking soda, adding more baking soda might help to further reduce cat smells.

There is also a quick way to get rid of cat and dog stinks from the carpeting in your home.You'll need to search for a big spray bottle.At this point fill the sprayer with water.Take a walk around the carpeted sections of your home spraying them with water.You never want to soak the carpeting only make it a little moist. At this point , take some baking soda and thoroughly sprinkle it all over the damp carpet.

Afterwards, you ought to use a carpet brush on your carpet so the water and baking soda will saturate it.For anyone who are unaware, a carpet brush is just what it sounds like, a brush to use on your carpeting.In fact it looks similar to a garden rake than a traditional brush.Many flooring and hardware stores carry this kind of brush.

At this point you just simply wait a little for your carpet to completely dry and take your vacuum and vacuum your entire carpet.Although this works great for common pet smells, it will not be that effective on urine odor.You'll want to get hold of a product specifically designed to remove pet urine odors.Try to find a product with enzymes in it.The enzymes break down the urine which can help to lose the stench.Most of these methods will likely work with just about any type of furniture.You should be mindful that the procedures won't damage the fabric.Here's one final point to be aware of when you're cleaning furniture.Should you be one of these people that spend $5,000 for a sofa, you can probably just afford to toss that one away and acquire a new one.Another alternative might be to pay someone to clean it professionally.

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